Reach out and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
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Copy the email drafts to help pitch the idea at work


You already know that React Universe Conf is a sound investment in professional and personal growth – but your boss may need some convincing. Here you’ll find useful resources to help you explain the conference’s value to the leadership. Use them to support your cause and join us in September 2024 in Wrocław to learn from the biggest names and inspiring emerging talents in the community.

Email drafts

Depending on your company’s internal regulations, you may need to ask for formal approval through email. To help you make the case, we’ve prepared two email drafts (shorter and longer) explaining what React Universe Conf is and how attending the conference can benefit your organization.


Subject: Request to Attend React Universe Conf 2024

Dear [Manager’s name],

I am writing to request approval to attend the React Universe Conf 2024, organized by Callstack. This event requires [number of days based on travel] days off and coverage from the training budget, including conference tickets currently available at a price of [insert amount].

React Universe Conf is a premier event featuring world-class React and React Native experts, providing an excellent opportunity for learning, networking, and professional growth. Since 2017, the conference (known before as React Native EU), has been a hub for sharing the latest trends, case studies, and innovations in the React Native community.

This year’s edition will cover full-stack development with React and cross-platform development with React Native, focusing on performance, security, architecture, tooling, and more.

Attending React Universe Conf would allow me to

• Engage directly with the creators and maintainers of the tools we use daily
• Learn new practices and techniques from top React and React Native developers, improving my skills immediately
• Apply these learnings to enhance the effectiveness of projects like [name of project]
• Stay updated on tech trends, helping our company maintain a competitive edge
• Build a network for potential collaborations and partnerships
• Share valuable insights with the team, contributing to our overall organizational improvement

Additionally, I would like to attend a pre-conference workshop on [React Native Performance / Testing Strategies / React Future]. This hands-on session, led by Callstack experts, will further enhance my skills and bring practical insights to our projects. More details about the workshop can be found here.

All in all, the estimated costs are as follows:
Conference ticket: €X [insert amount]
• Combo ticket (conference + workshop): €X+VAT [insert amount]
• Accommodation: €X [insert amount]
• Travel: €X [insert amount]
• Other expenses: €X [insert amount]

Total: €X [insert amount]

I kindly seek your approval to attend React Universe Conf 2024. Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you for considering my request.

[your name]


Subject: Request to Attend React Universe Conf 2024

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to request approval to attend the React Universe Conf 2024, organized by Callstack. This event requires [number of days based on travel] days off and coverage from the training budget, including conference tickets at [insert amount].

React Universe Conf is a premier event featuring world-class React and React Native experts. Since 2017, the conference (known before as React Native EU), has been a hub for sharing the latest trends, case studies, and innovations in the React Native community.

Attending this conference would allow me to:
Engage directly with creators and maintainers of the tools we use daily
• Learn from top React & React Native developers
• Apply these learnings to enhance progress of projects like [name of project]
• Stay updated on tech trendsBuild a network for potential collaborations
• Share valuable insights with the team

I would also like to attend a pre-conference workshop on [React Native Performance / Testing Strategies / React Future]. This hands-on session, led by Callstack experts, will further enhance my skills.

Estimated costs:
Conference ticket: €X [insert amount]
• Combo ticket (conference + workshop): €X+VAT [insert amount]
• Accommodation: €X [insert amount]
• Travel: €X [insert amount]
• Other expenses: €X [insert amount]

Total: €X [insert amount]

I kindly seek your approval to attend React Universe Conf 2024. Thank you for considering my request.

[your name]

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