Copy the email drafts to help pitch the idea at work


You already know that React Universe Conf is a sound investment in professional and personal growth – but your boss may need some convincing. Here you’ll find useful resources to help you explain the conference’s value to the leadership. Use them to support your cause and join us in September 2024 in Wrocław to learn from the biggest names and inspiring emerging talents in the community.

Email drafts

Depending on your company’s internal regulations, you may need to ask for formal approval through email. To help you make the case, we’ve prepared two email drafts (shorter and longer) explaining what React Universe Conf is and how attending the conference can benefit your organization.


Dear [manager’s name],

I request your approval to attend React Universe Conf 2024 on September 5-6 in Wrocław, Poland. This year’s conference will discuss topics related to fullstack with React and cross-platform development with React Native and its ecosystem, from performance and security to architecture, tooling, and beyond.

Participating in the event would mean taking [number of days based on travel] days off and covering attendance costs from the training budget – including buying tickets to the conference, now available at a discount price of €450+VAT). I’d be grateful for company support and believe my attendance could benefit not only myself but also the organization. React Universe Conf is organized by Callstack, a team of world-class React and React Native experts who care about giving back to the community. Their conference is a place for developers, core contributors, and industry leaders to inspire each other. Since 2017, they’ve given the floor to React Native experts to talk about hot topics in the community, from recent tech trends to case studies. What’s particularly exciting about this conference is the fact that it allows me as a participant to not only listen to but also network with the creators and maintainers of libraries and projects I use on a daily basis in person.

To make the most of this learning experience, I'd also like to attend the [React Native performance / Testing Strategies / React Future] workshop held the day before the conference. The workshop will be led by Callstack's experts and is designed as a practical way to take my cross-platform skills to the next level. You can learn more about its contents here.
I firmly believe that attending React Native EU will allow me to:
• Learn new practices and techniques from top React and React Native developers and improve my skills right away,
• Contribute to making work on projects like [name of project] even more effective and efficient,
• Stay on top of tech trends to help our company build a competitive advantage,
• Build a network for collaboration and potential partnership,
• Contribute to overall organizational improvement by sharing learnings from my teammates.

Here’s an approximate breakdown of costs for me to attend React Universe Conf 2024:
• conference ticket – €450+VAT regular (final price €799.50)
• combo ticket: conference + workshop – €676+VAT
• accommodation – €200travel – €XXX [insert amount]
• other expenses  – €XXX [insert amount]
• total  – €XXX [insert amount]

Looking at talks given at previous editions and the effort that Callstack, the conference’s organizer, puts into the development of React Native community, I feel confident I’ll bring back a ton of useful notes and takeaways for the team that we can implement immediately to achieve our business goals.

I’d kindly appreciate your approval for me to attend React Universe Conf, as I’m sure it’s a good investment for our company. If you have any questions about this opportunity, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Thank you for your consideration!
Yours truly, [your name]


Dear [manager’s name],

I request your approval to attend React Universe Conf 2024 on September 7-8 in Wrocław, Poland. It’s Europe’s biggest community-driven event organized by Callstack, a team of world-class React and React Native experts who care about giving back to the community.  The conference touches 2 major topics: fullstack with React and cross-platform development with React Native from performance and security to architecture and beyond.

Attending React Universe Conf will allow me to:
• Learn new practices and techniques from top React and React Native developers and improve my skills right away,
• Contribute to making work on projects like [name of project] even more effective and efficient,
• Stay on top of tech trends to help our company build a competitive advantage,
• Build a network for collaboration and potential partnership,Contribute to overall organizational improvement by sharing learnings from my teammates.

*I'd also like to attend the [React Native Performance//Testing Strategies / React Future] workshop held the day before the conference. Led by Callstack's experts, the workshop is designed as a practical way to take my cross-platform skills to the next level.I feel confident I’ll bring back many valuable notes and takeaways for the team that we can implement immediately to achieve our business goals.

The estimated cost of participation, including a two-day conference admission, *participation in the workshop, travel, and accommodation, is €XXX [insert amount].

I look forward to your reply!
Thank you, [your name]

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